Placing an order with Kimiya Johar

Buyers can contact Kimiya Johar through 4 methods in order to procure their required (both domestic or export) goods:

Placing an order by phone:

Valued customers can contact the company's phone numbers and as soon as the phone call is made, their initial information and request will be registered in the company's central system by an expert. Then, the request will be referred to the relevant expert who, while communicating with the customer, will announce the specifications of the product, send the analysis and, if necessary, the sample of the product, and ultimately announce the appropriate price. After issuing the proforma invoice and obtaining the customer's approval for purchasing the product, the customer can deposit the money into the company's account and schedule the loading and delivery of the product. Finally, the loading will be done on the specified date from the factory and the process will be monitored step by step by the relevant expert and the customer will be informed accordingly.

Placing an online order:

Customers can easily place their orders through Kimiya Johar and Icon's website. The sales representative will receive the request and follow up by providing the price, sending the analysis and if necessary, providing the sample.

The advantage of placing an online order is that the customer can submit their request and receive a response outside of office hours and on holidays, as sales representatives of the company continuously monitor and track online requests.

Online requests are usually referred by the company's commercial management to the relevant specialist, and of course, online orders are followed up with greater sensitivity and accuracy and are concluded more quickly than the regular process.

In-person visit

Buyers who visit the company's central office directly with a prior appointment will have a face-to-face meeting with the commercial management and CEO of the company. The subject of the meeting will be discussed, and the relevant specialist will be responsible for continuous follow-up until the desired outcome is achieved. Usually, exported goods by esteemed merchants require careful and accurate examination, and therefore, the details should be coordinated during the face-to-face meeting.

How to receive and deposit a payment confirmation

The buyer can deposit the cost of the goods into the company's provided account number and after verifying the deposit by the company, the confirmation will be announced to the buyer by phone.

Note that the buyer can also send the deposit receipt to the company via fax or email. Telephone confirmation is mandatory.

How to inquire and get a price quote from us

Placing an order from:

our website (

E-mail (,

Fax (+984133201591) or

WhatsApp (+989144077056)

Requesting analysis and samples from us

How to request analysis and sample from Kimiya Johar:

- Request analysis and sample via Kimiya Johar website (
- Request analysis and sample via relevant sales experts
- Request analysis and sample via email (, fax (+984133201591), or WhatsApp (+989144077056)
- It is possible to send samples with a fee.

Choosing the desired product

The buyer can place their order through the Kimiyajohar website by specifying the product name, quantity, and actual and legal specifications.

Note 1: Upon the buyer's request, the company will send the analysis and/or sample of the requested product (sample sending is possible with a fee).

With the buyer's agreement, the company will issue a proforma invoice, which includes the price, quantity, warehousing and transportation costs, and value-added tax (9%) in a transparent form and informs the buyer.

After confirming the proforma invoice by the buyer, the buyer deposits the invoice amount into the specified account.

Upon receiving the payment for the product, the company will issue the delivery note and/or arrange for the shipment.