Get in touch with us

The main focus of Kimiya Johar’s development is firmly based on the authenticity of raw materials and customer orientation. Providing products with guaranteed analysis and distinct quality is essential to maintaining our credibility.

Working hours

  • Monday to Thursday - 09:00 to 17:00: World Time Zone (GMT +3:30)
  • Thursday - 09:00 to 17:00 : World Time (GMT +3:30)
  • Friday - Closed: World Time (GMT +3:30)

Kimiya Johar headquarters address

  • add Address: Unit 3, 3rd Floor, Vali Asr Commercial Complex, Ghanoun Street, Tabriz, Iran
  • Export department email:
  • Sales department email:
  • Support email:

Phone numbers

  • telephone-call TEL: 041 - 3320 1590-2
  • whatsapp WhatsApp: +98 914 407 7056